The Magic of Mindset
By Mickie Zada
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so let us all be thankful.” — Buddha
Buddha makes an excellent point…if we are alive, there is something to be thankful for!
Much of how things work in our lives, our level of accomplishment, joy, and what we attract is the result of mindset.
The really cool thing…and the weight of responsibility for how we think and feel…is solely (and Soul-ly) our choice! We get to choose how we approach each day, hour, minute, second. Yep, our level of happiness, allowing Magic in our lives ever day, is our choice.
Sure, that sounds Polly Anna. It’s not. It sounds wooo-wooo. It’s not. It sounds crazy. It’s not. It sounds like a lot of work. It is at first, fighting back old responses and choosing a positive new mindset requires conscious action.
We are choosing to change in-side.
Do you feel more thankful, more lighthearted, more enthusiastic during the holidays? Even if it’s the sweltering summer months, you can choose a holiday mindset.
Do your spirits rise, do you smile more when you’re with your children or grand children? Even if they live on the other side of the State, Country or World, no matter what’s going on, you can choose to feel that high vibrating, positive energy and grab on to that upbeat and loving mindset.
See what I mean?
How we respond to every day life, large and small occurrences, are our choice.
We can choose anger, frustration and victim-hood, OR happiness, cheerfulness and contentment, to be a survivor.
For those of us who are surviving abuse, it’s imperative that we take a look at mindset choices.
· If your abuser was mean, violent, emotionally and/or physically hurtful…
· if your abuser was controlling, blamed you for his actions and the results of his actions (you left, he’s in prison, he can’t see your kids or grown kids refuse to have anything to do with him) …
· you may still love him, but choose to take off the rose color glasses…
· Choose to look at the reality of his behavior…
· Choose to be strong enough not to cling to that S.O.B…
He’s not good for you, or good enough for you, is he?
Who gets to choose whether you respond as a victim or a survivor?
You do.
As the Buddha said: You’re not dead, so there are things to be thankful for.
Choose the mindset of a Survivor. Don’t allow anyone (him) to live in your mind, creating a victim mentality. Then he’s winning. He’s still controlling you.
He’s getting what he wants (you’re giving him the power to make you feel bad, hurt, cry…) , and you get nothing. EXCEPT being a victim.
YOU have the power. Stop giving it away. You have the ability to choose a different mindset, which will create a stronger, safer, healthier life.
Let us rise up and be thankful…