“…that it all began with a mouse.”
By Mickie Zada
Walt Disney is quoted as saying “I only hope we never lose sight of one thing…that it all began with a mouse.”
As a youngster in the ’50s, I wasn’t a big fan of That Mouse…and my name is often spelled -ey. For clarification, I frequently say “Mickie, like mouse but -ie.” People think I’m saying Nicki or Vickie … nobody expects a woman’s real name to be Mickie. Everyone understand “like mouse.”
The name aside, think about the empire Walt Disney built around one simple little thing … a talking mouse cartoon. And, in the beginning, Mickey didn’t even talk! Talking cartoons, or TV shows for that part, did not exist yet.
Walt Disney’s idea was rejected by 302 banks! Prior to all the “no’s” he got from potential investors, Disney was even fired by a newspaper editor for “lack of creativity.”
Looking at the wonder of Disney Land and Disney World, Epcot Center and The Lion King, rejection of Mr. Disney’s dream is inconceivable. And, that’s how life is!
Walt Disney is what I call a One Percenter. One Percenters are the top of the top of any industry. Bill Gates, Michael Jordon, Arnold Palmer and Meryl Streep are One Percenters. See what I mean? They are the top of the top.
99% of the population has the ability and capacity to do very well. We are successful in IT, sports and the theater…as writers, Realtors, network marketers, survivors and in life. Many of the 99% earn tremendous names for ourselves.
So, don’t give up or compare yourself to the One Percenters.
What did you say, Mickie???!
I mean, don’t compare yourself with anyone!
Each of us is on a Path in this Life. Your Mission, your reason for being on Earth, is unique and important.
It’s not to remain a victim forever. Yes, most of us go through a victim phase at some point. When we recognize we’re stuck and climb out of the quagmire, we are stronger and more focused. Right?
Your Mission is to embrace, to own, who you are and to shine your Light, share your story and your gifts, with others.
Author J.K Rowling was a homeless single Mom; personal finance guru Suze Orman is now worth approximately $25 million, but she lived out of her van for four months in 1973; Singer Ella Fitzgerald was abused, had mafia ties and was homeless before becoming the ‘Queen of Jazz’.
Each of those women found the determination and focus to finally “own” who they are and share their gifts.
You may not become world famous or a millionaire. Most of the population is not! You do have something to say and the ability to inspire others.
Take the steps to find your platform, expose your talents, speak your Truth.
It’s time to unveil your Mouse. Even if you get 302 rejections.
Life is an amazing Journey. Use the hard times and bad experiences to catapult you into Being who you were sent here to Be. Baby steps will get you there.
Take a baby step today. You’ve got this!