My Life is Painted with God’s Brush-stroke
By Mickie Zada
Looking back over my 65+ years, I realize that my life is painted with God’s brush-stroke!
It’s a calming and joyful realization. Every trial and tribulation, every joy and success are woven together, creating the tapestry of Me.
Yes, I’m sort of waxing poetic this morning. Please grant me the leigh way. I think I’m headed somewhere important. It’s sorta like an epiphany!
Most of us experience 4 natural, recurring, seasons where we live. Dark, dreary and sometimes snow covered winter; rebirth and vibrant spring; sultry and steamy summer; bright and colorful, crisp and refreshing autumn. Each season relies on the previous for creation, development and growth. Even in the deep south and west where seasons are not dramatic, they exist.
It occurs to me that our Lives, like the earth, ebb and flow, evolve and change.
That’s what’s happening for me. Ebb and flow. Evolve and change. Most of the time the evolution is subtle, like seasons in the deep south. Today the change feels dramatic, like autumn in New England!
In the past 6 months I’ve unexpectedly lost three friends to health and age. Those occurrences create dramatic perspective. We are not promised another second of time. You know the poem about The Present. It’s True.
In the past 3 months, dramatic change has occurred in my workplace. I am now re-fired (not re-tired!). This ebb was not planned. Knowing that all things conspire to create my Good, I’ve embraced the opportunity to flow into entrepreneurialism, (almost) full time, again. Full time now is 3 days a week, as opposed to 60 or 70 hours I gladly embraced as a young woman or 40 to 50 hours at my former employment. Long weekends, a little bit later start and shorter end to the work-day, are my new 65+ norm.
How to embrace the life-changes I’m experiencing is my choice. It would be easy to pull the covers up over my head, hit the snooze button and snuggle under my favorite, really soft and cuddly, blanket. I choose the image of Mel Robbins’ rocket ship. 5–4–3–2–1 … blast off!
Like nearly everyone else in the world, my life has been laced with drama and trauma. My youngest brother committed suicide at 21. I stayed in a controlling, abusive marriage for 34 years. I also have experienced the joy of building several successful businesses, raised a wonderful son who has grown into a loving husband, caring and fun Dad and good man, and actual miracles have happened for me over the years.
My life is painted with God’s brush-stroke.
A new season is slamming into my reality. It’s a dramatic manifestation and I’m hanging on for the ride.
My personal Mission is, in faith and confidence, to align with Divine Intent and serve as a beacon to others.
I’m excited to see where this exhilaration and rocket-like momentum will lead.
I’m reminded of a George Santayana quote my ol’ Dad used to recite: “To be interested in the changing season is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring.”