Creating Ideal Work

mickie zada
3 min readNov 24, 2017


By Mickie Zada

The solid and often reported statistic is that near 80% of all people are not happy at their job.

80% of most people are not excited about the work they do or the people they work with or the people they work for.


Here’s what I believe: As thoughtful, centered, loving Beings we do have choices. We are able to focus on our Heart Center, allow a smile to radiate from our face and take a few-minute-vacation from our hum-drum-work-a-day-schedule. Even if you don’t care much for your current job, begin this minute to consider an alternative possibility.

My niche for this web page are women over 50. Change in the workplace can be difficult at this point in life. And, our career has likely grown, expanded and blossomed to provide a safe, comfortable and fulfilling existence.

Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying “Money isn’t as important as oxygen, but it’s a close darn second!” To maintain home, hearth, food, vehicles, transportation, insurance, etcetera, etcetera, etcettera…most of us have J.O.B.’s

I think it’s possible for each of us to have a job we love. Years ago, a book was written called “Get Rich Without Ever Working” and the lesson is about using your unique gifts, your signature strengths, to support your lifestyle.

That may not mean that you leave your current employment. It may mean that early in the mornings, on weekends or in the evenings, you create an entrepreneurial side-gig. Are you a photographer? Put together a booth and apply to judged art shows? You love to draw? Create a line of cards to sell on Etsy. Your passion is to write? Huff Post, Sixty and Me, Fabulous after 50 all accept guest authors…submit your work! You get the idea. Just because you need your job for income and benefits, does not mean that you can’t grow and empower your passion…embrace and fulfill who You are at your core.

Start thinking today about what you can do, part time right now, to eventually earn a fabulous living using your special, Spiritual Gifts…could the side-gig become your retirement supplement?

Join groups like Biz Women Rock to learn from and follow the steps of other women. Most of them are younger than us “over 50 crowd”. Don’t let that intimidate you. Embrace their energy and focus! Learn to think like they do about earning full time income working part time … as part time as you choose. Turn RV living into an income producing lifestyle by blogging, podcasting or writing about your experience. Those paths can be used to teach “How to Survive Divorce” or “Embracing Living Alone…for the first time!”

Here is a powerful affirmation I discovered years ago. It sounds like Louise Hay, but I don’t know who wrote it:

“I now easily access my creative genius to reveal my Ideal work. By intentionally creating an opening, I have engaged the attention of the Universe to set into motion everything I need to recognize that which has always been mine awaiting my claim. By paying attention to how I feel, I choose only to align myself with feelings of inspiration, passion, enthusiasm and joy. I am spontaneously moved to take the right actions to have My life’s work sustained perfectly.”

Print the affirmation…read it every single day…read it morning and night…begin to “see” your ideal work. Your life is already changing for the better….

You go, Girl!!



mickie zada
mickie zada

Written by mickie zada

Hi! I am an enthusiastic participant in life and I believe we create our Reality. My personal Mission is to align with Divine Intent and serve as a beacon.

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