But I Can’t Change…I’m Set in My Ways!

mickie zada
5 min readFeb 28, 2020
Unsplash Ravi Patel

Remember when our grandparents came to visit? Bring up an image in your mind of how your Grandma or Grandpa looked.

I was lucky to have my maternal grandmother live with us as we kids were growing up. She was from the Appalachian Mountains and wore her waist-length hair in a braid wrapped around her head.

She said “young-uns” and we had spittoons around the house because, being a true mountain woman, Grandma chewed Copenhagen! She also collected hand-painted glass pitchers (each of us kids have one, in her memory). And, she was O.L.D.

Probably close to my age now, but Grandma was old.

She used to say “I can’t change…I’m set in my ways!”

Our elder women, back in the day, didn’t play tennis or hold professional careers into their 70’s; with exception, they didn’t paint or write books or teach seminars.

The other day I heard a similar comment from a woman, younger than me, who made excuses for her plight in life…but I can’t change, I’m set in my ways, she moaned.

We are not our grandmother’s grandmothers! We have more options; we have more laws on our side and we can do darn near anything we want to do.

So, why do so many women over the age of 50 feel “trapped” in life choices, unhappy with their lives…



mickie zada

Hi! I am an enthusiastic participant in life and I believe we create our Reality. My personal Mission is to align with Divine Intent and serve as a beacon.