A Full Life is Your True Destiny
I have a serious question for you: Do you want to live life, or do you want to escape life? How we live our lives is our choice…a full life is your true destiny.
“What’s a full life”, you’re wondering? Well, that’s your choice, too!
Some people seem to be on a Path the moment they are born: They Know what they’re here for and they focus on that reality. Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lawrence come to mind.
Others, like me, had no clue “what I’ll be when I grow up”, until I was pretty much grown-up. 53 years old to be exact! Slow learner? … maybe! I prefer to view my life as my true destiny. At 53 I gathered all my memories, experiences, beliefs and knowledge to that point and used them to create a life I love. I created my True Destiny.
It was then that I discovered the joy of not dwelling on what went wrong. Instead, I focused on what to do next. My energies were spent on moving forward toward finding the answer to Who I am as a result of my previous life experience.
I could have spent all my life in misery, feeling sorry for the hand I’d been dealt, bemoaning not being more productive in my life, being angry and hating my abusive husband. That was a choice I had.
Don’t you know people who refuse to let go of their “unfair” or “destructive” previous years? We all have friends, relatives, co-workers or acquaintances with a huge investment in being Victims of their previous lives.
The ones who make me the craziest are those who recognize the destructiveness of their past and current life, but refuse to consider any alternative. Despite daily disasters and their loud vocal complaints about their life, they appear to enjoy living in the drama-trauma, because they won’t take a step toward improvement.
If you make a suggestion to these poor souls, what do you hear in response? “Yeah, but my situation is different because….”. “Yeah, but I could never do that because…”, “Yeah, but ….” They are most generally stuck on the island of “Yeah, but…”
If you recognize yourself in this description, run (don’t walk) to the island shore and dive into a new, healthy, different thought process. Choose to excavate a few of the suggestions that have been made to you over the years and pick one you’re willing and able to put to work…for Y.O.U.!
If you recognize a friend, relative or other person you know hanging out on the “Island of Yeah But”, you might print out this post and give it to them. You have to Know, however, that nothing in their life will change until they are ready. You can’t do the work for them.
I’ve said before “You can lead a human to knowledge but you can’t make her think!” Thinking and change only happen when each of us is ready.
It’s frightening to consider the fact that each of us creates our own reality.
If you are someone’s doormat, you’re choosing to stay. If you walk on eggshells in your relationship, you’re choosing to stay. If you’re in a job or career that no longer makes your heart sing, but you show up every day anyway….yep…you’re choosing to stay.
A full life is your destiny, and the destiny of all of us. Some grab the hang-glider rope and soar. Some of us choose to stay in the quagmire of mud and sludge.
If you’re still in the quagmire, watch for the hang-glider rope. It’ll show up. If you’re ready to grab hold and see your life from a helicopter level, do it now!
If you’re already soaring, YEA YOU!
When you are ready, be the hang-glider rope for someone else. Just remember, whether she grabs hold or not is her choice. You may have to make several passes over the years. Hopefully one day, she (like you) will be ready to live her full life…her true destiny. Then, she’ll read the books, change her thoughts and beliefs, hire a coach and make safer, healthier choices.
A full life is everyone’s destiny. Living that full life is our choice.